

This was the Digital Product School's Batch #4

Developed by Team SIXg, "COBY" is a digital assistant for commuters that helps them to find the best connections, especially in the case of disrupted traffic or transport lines.

Team 7sqm makes the life of car drivers easier: when approaching a destination, their app informs users where they are most likely to find a parking space. 

Team Movemint's app for cyclists records their routes through the city and thereby provides city administration and planning services with the data needed to improve bike infrastructure.

Startups need data to develop innovative products for smart cities. Team AISEN tackles this problem with a marketplace for sensor data.

You'd like to have a healthy breakfast but don't have time to prepare it? Then Team Ananas's service "Wonder Bowl" might be the solution for you: pick up your personalised and healthy breakfast on your way to work.

Team Atomic Kitten developed a digital solution to collect and review patients' data easily. This enables doctors to make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe  medication more effectively.

Beeline equips municipal vehicles like buses, tramways, or garbage trucks with sensors to measure air quality. This widens the area where air quality data is gathered and gives cities more information on which they can base their decisions. 

Find more impressions in our gallery below. If you want to learn more about the Digital Product School, click here.

CeBIT 2018 | Andrea Peters from the Digital Hub Potsdam about the VoluCap


CeBIT 2018 | Andrea Peters from the Digital Hub Potsdam about the VoluCap

#hubstartups: Elinvar


#hubstartups: Elinvar