

"More investments in European solutions - less adulation of American investments"

Ramin Niroumand on...

...his decision to become an entrepreneur:

"After five years at Deloitte, I decided I’d had enough of the sidelines - it was time to get on the field." 

"In my opinion, the biggest difference between being an entrepreneur and working as an employee at a larger organisation is the number of decisions that you have to make.” 

... the best time to start a business:

"I’m not really in favour of saying that the best time to start is straight after university because you might want to have children in four or five years which also makes it difficult to found.” 

"My philosophy is that your best safety net is your CV and that is best built up working at (...) established, well-known companies before founding.” 

... the digitalisation of the financial industry:

"We need more courage and even more cooperation within the German system. We need a strong European banking system so that we don't buckle somewhere in between the two strong powers, the USA and China.”

... digital failures of the financial industry:

"If mBank had simply been rolled out consistently, many of the challenger banks that exist today wouldn’t have been able to enter the market because mBank’s services would already have met the demand.”

... the opportunity to build digital heavyweights for the financial industry in Germany:

"Amazon, Facebook, & co. buy core technology for their core business externally even when they themselves are technology companies.” 

"We have to work together to build global players."

... the role of established companies:

"And that's why I expect German companies to make larger investments in European, German solutions so we can move away from this adulation of American investments.” 

Three steps to the Startup Card


Three steps to the Startup Card

5G – Network of the future


5G – Network of the future