

#hubstartups: StilFresh

Kingsly Kongnyuh Kwalar from StilFresh
Interview with Kingsly Kongnyuh Kwalar from StilFresh as part of the interview series #hubstartups.

What advice would you share with other founders?

There are a lot of things you will have to learn along the way. Take comfort in the fact that this new realisation is not unique to you and that it is ok not to know everything. Double down on your strengths and partner with someone who compliments you.

What surprised you the most when you started out?

The likely disconnect between the Founder and employee priorities. It will help to always over communicate and create and environment for open feedback from your team. You must be able to take your entire team with you on the journey you have in your mind.

What do you want from politics and from Germany as a business location?

I would like both to create a truly conducive environment for startups to not only ideate but also to establish. I think of the case of opening a bank account in Germany as a non-German nor EU startup.

Why doesn’t Germany have a leading startup ecosystem?

The misconception of a language barrier. Many foreign startups would opt for English speaking hubs, as opposed to German hubs, in order to access a wider market. They would only come to Germany if access to the German market is needed. Another challenge, especially where digitisation is concerned, is its less than enthusiastic welcome to the German market.

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