

#hubstartups: Finanzguru

Picture of Finanzguru Co-Founder Benjamin Michel

What advice would you share with other founders?

Starting my own business is the biggest adventure I’ve ever experienced. It's a lot of fun and there have been many ups and downs. As with any trip, the most important thing is the people you’re travelling with, which is why I recommend that founders choose their team very carefully. The team should combine different strengths, stick together during even the most difficult phases, discuss issues openly and objectively, and be willing to compromise. With the right team, it's easy to start a business. As an entrepreneur, there will be so many areas in which you fail - even with the best preparation. The key is to deal with setbacks, not to repeat the same mistakes, to learn continuously, and to modify your chosen path until you achieve success.

What surprised you the most when you started?

I was particularly surprised at how small situations or encounters can make the difference between the success or failure of a company. For example, in the early days of our company we took part in a hackathon that was published on YouTube. This video brought us to the attention of a large bank, which is how we ended up receiving our first major order. As a founder you should use every opportunity to make yourself or your product known.

What do you want from politics and Germany as a business location?

I’d like German politics to promote entrepreneurial thinking in schools and universities. We’re generally a very security-oriented country, so when we’re doing well it would be easy for us to stay satisfied with the status quo. But this is precisely why it’s so important for us to show students that entrepreneurship offers many opportunities and that innovation is essential for us to continue to lead a pleasant life in Germany in the future. Otherwise, we will end up being the developing country of yesterday. 

Why doesn’t Germany have a leading startup ecosystem?

In my opinion, Germany has lacked an active startup culture and venture capital for a long time - something which has, fortunately, started to change considerably in recent years. In the meantime, it’s "cool" to set up your own startup: the further harmonisation of European markets is creating new potential for many startups, which in turn attracts funds from investors. In the financial and insurance sectors in particular, I am convinced that German startups can play a leading role in Europe.

#hubstartups: DIPAT


#hubstartups: DIPAT

CeBIT 2018 | Andrea Peters from the Digital Hub Potsdam about the VoluCap


CeBIT 2018 | Andrea Peters from the Digital Hub Potsdam about the VoluCap